Nyambika Design Help Page

Site Map


Entities allowed to sell products on this systems are following type:

  1. Tailors
  2. Clothing Industries
  3. Clothing Businesses
  4. Clothing Cooperatives
  5. Clothing Associations

Producer Activities

Producer Activities on systems.

  1. Create Account
  2. Sell products
  3. Produce products
  4. Buy Raw materials
  5. Advertisement
  6. system Management
  7. Bost posts
  8. Load Wallets

Customer Activities

Activities to be performed by customer

  1. Create Account
  2. Buy products
  3. Request new products which is not available on system
  4. Online Payment

Advertisers Activities

Activities to be performed by Advertisers

  1. Create Account
  2. Pay Advertisement fees
  3. Load Wallets

Producer Payment Plans

click here to view Producer Payment Plans

Producer/seller/Tailor Side

Producer Requirements

Clothes and aparrels sellers and producers must met the following to operate on Nyambika Design

  1. To be registered either in RDB Or RRA
  2. Photocopy of National Identity Card
  3. Ready to sign Cooperation Aggrements

Producer Payment Plans

Nyambika payment Plan falls in three parts

No plan Name Amount action
1 Premium / icyiciro cya Mbere 1000 frw more
2 Silver / icyiciro cya Kabiri 3000 frw more
3 Gold / icyiciro cya Gatatu 5000 frw more

Account Creation and Login

Account Creation Steps

  1. click join Producers
  2. Choose business plan
  3. fill all required data
  4. click on register
  5. congratulation you have successfuly created account
  6. Rember:
    Username to be used to log into system should be your email or telephone number

Log into system

  1. click on Producers
  2. fill all required data (Username and password)
  3. click on register
  4. congratulation you have successfuly created account
  5. Rember:
    Username to be used to log into system should be your email or telephone number

Loading Wallet

Steps to load wallets

  1. Click on load Wallet
  2. insert data in given fields
  3. click load
  4. congratulation you have successfuly loaded your wallet

Plan payment

Steps to pay for business plan

  1. click plan payment
  2. select plan
  3. click pay
  4. congratulation you have successfuly paid your business plan

Selling on Platform

Steps to sell products

  1. Meet Requirement
  2. Log into system
  3. click on add products
  4. fill all form data
  5. click add products

Nyambika Design Agency

Nyambika Design Agency

Nyambika Design Agent Responsibilities are:

  1. To Identify or find tailor/companies/businesses and industries who need Nyambika designs Services
  2. To Train and Encourage tailors/businesses/ companies and industries to use Nyambika platforms in their daily activities
  3. To register tailors/businesses/companies and industries on Nyambika design website
  4. To be Nyambika Design representative in their respective Districts

Nyambika Design Agent Requirements

Nyambika Design Agent Requirements are:

  1. He/she must have at least A2 diploma
  2. He/she is able to speak either English, or french
  3. He/she should have adequate marketing skills
  4. He/she must have good communication skills
  5. He/she must have good communication skills
  6. He/she must have great bargaining skills

For more information

view more details on nyambika agency

Customer Side

Create Customer Accounts

steps to create customer accounts:

  1. click on customer
  2. choose register
  3. fill all required data
  4. click on register
  5. congrats! your account is successfuly created

Log into Customer Accounts

steps to log into customer accounts:

  1. click on customer
  2. insert all required data
  3. click login

Buying clothes

Steps to followed in Buying clothes:

  1. create account
  2. select clothes you want
  3. click on make order or bulk order depending on quantity you want to buy
  4. follow the proces
  5. Pay your order

Request style

steps to request style:

  1. click on request style
  2. follow instructions
  3. remember to attach your full photoes


Steps followed to pay for your order

  1. look for payment part
  2. insert your phone number
  3. insert payment amount
  4. insert pin number on your mobile phone
  5. congrats! your order is successgully paid

Deliverly Information

Delivery Methods

We use the following delivery methods to ship customers order

  1. Motocylce
  2. Bus agency
  3. Aeroplane

Local Delivery Plans

No plan Name Amount action
1 Premium 1000 frw more
2 Silver 3000 frw more
3 Gold 5000 frw more
EAC Delivery Plans

No plan Name Amount action
1 Premium 10000 frw more
2 Silver 30000 frw more
3 Gold 50000 frw more

EAC Delivery Plans

We products to the following locations:

  1. Rwanda
  2. EAC member countries

EAC Delivery Plans

We products to the following locations:

  1. Rwanda
  2. EAC member countries

Payment Information

Payment Type

Nyambika Payment types:

  1. system Wallet
  2. Mobile Money
    1. Mobile Money
    2. Tigo cash
  3. Pay Pal
    1. VISA Card comming soon
    2. Master Card comming soon

Payment Periods

  1. Order must be shipped after payment is done

Refund Structure

Refund Requirements

  1. order will be refunded when customer order is canceled after one day
  2. order will be refunded when producers/seelers failed to deliver order in one day
  3. when delivered order will doesn't match with ordered products
  4. Click to View more

Contact Information

Administration Contacts

Administration contacts:

  1. TUYISENGE Aristide
  2. Project Manager
  3. +250781299528
  4. tuyisengear@gmail.com
  5. View More

Sales Contacts

Sales contacts:

  2. Sales Manager
  3. +250783619502
  4. tuyisengear@gmail.com
  5. View More

Production Contacts

Production contacts:

  1. NIYONGABO Emmanuel
  2. Production Manager
  3. +250782634364
  4. josephcoder@gmail.com
  5. View More

Customer Contacts

Shipping department contacts:

  2. Shipping HoD
  3. +250787958407
  4. esporndayishimiye4@gmail.com
  5. View More

Customer care Contacts

Customer contacts:

  1. UWABAHIRE Joselyn
  2. Customer care
  3. +250783706932
  4. uwabahirejoselinee@gmail.com
  5. View More

Marketing Officer

Marketing Officer contacts:

  1. NZABIHIMANA Jeanne Beula
  2. Marketing Officer
  3. +250782639299
  4. nzabihijanebeula@gmail.com
  5. View More